Thursday, 7 September 2017


daily life thoughts
"Don't make excuses make improvements"better yourself,your life,your business etc, you need to value the importance of this very phrase here “don’t make excuses make improvements. Too many people pose as victims and have a very bad disease that I call “excusitis”. Something I realized in my business and within my organization that I work with is that there are two things that are like water & oil.They do not mix together for nothing in world.Those two things are excuses and money. Something I always tell myself when I wake up is you can make money or you can make excuses but you can't to both at the same darn time.
daily life thoughtsExcuses are the gateway to failure.If you are making excuses or procrastinating,you will not be able to recognize the improvements needed.Start today,by making small improvements in the necessary areas of your life,you will be amazed at your success.

'How To Be Mentally Storng'

1:- Don't fear alone time. 2:- Don't dwell on the past. 3:- Don't feel the world owes you. 4:- Don't expect immedia...